WGSS Statements

Violence Against and Attacks on Trans and Queer People 2022

In recent days, we have watched with growing concern the legal attempts in various states across the nation to attack and eradicate trans and queer lives—from Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” education bill to Idaho’s HB675 that makes it a felony for trans youth to access healthcare. These draconian steps are part of larger attempts to attack access to abortions, reproductive and gender confirming healthcare, and bodily autonomy. Such events highlight the importance and urgency of feminist and queer pedagogies in our classrooms, on our campuses, in our communities. We extend our solidarity with all those who are fighting these transphobic and homophobic bills.

If you want to support a trans-led group in your state, please see the Trans Justice Funding project’s grantee list.

Anti-Asian Racism and Attacks during the COVID-Pandemic 2020-

In response to the unthinkable killings in Atlanta, WGSS reaffirms its stance against all forms of racism, misogyny, and violence and stands in solidarity with Asian Americans and Asian immigrants. Red Canary Song is one organization whose transnational work in organizing may provide guidance on labor rights and mutual aid. Please see their statement. They held an online vigil March 18, 2021, 8 pm (EST).