Marian Sciachitano

Marian Sciachitano

Scholarly Associate Professor
ABD, Miami University of Ohio

Curriculum vitae

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Asian American women
  • Global feminism
  • Feminist film theory
  • Third-world women in film

Selected Publications

  • Asian American Women. Coedited with Linda Vo. University of Nebraska Press, 2003.
  • “Claiming a Politics of Biracial Asian American Difference.” In White-Parks, ed.,A Gathering of Voices on the Asian American Experience (Highsmith, 1994).
  • “MOBs on the Net: Critiquing the Gaze of the Cyber-Bride Industry,” Race, Gender, and Class, 7.1 (2000).
  • “Whose Crying Game? One Woman of Color’s Reflections on the Representation of Men of Color in Contemporary Film.” Explorations in Ethnic Studies 17 (1994).
  • “Theorizing about Ideology, Culture, and Gender Conflict in the Classroom: Can an Asian-American Woman ‘talk back’?” Works and Days 8 (1990).
  • Coeditor (with Linda Vo) of “Asian American Women,” special issue of Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 21 (2000).

Contact Ms. Sciachitano
Wilson-Short Hall 10J

Spring 2018 Office Hours

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00–4:00 p.m., and by appointment

Past Courses

  • Women_St 101
  • Women_St 200
  • Women_St 201
  • CES/Women_St 300
  • Women_St 332/Anth 317
  • Women_St 338
  • Women_St 340
  • Women_St 406
  • Women_St 481