Scholarships & Awards

WGSS Scholarship applications (and all other scholarships) are administered through the WSU General Scholarship Application, with a due date of 31 January 2024.

Awards (different from scholarships) are conferred annually to recognize exceptional scholarly achievement and engagement. Award criteria are described below, and the application process is separate from scholarships and administered through WGSS toward the end of the academic year. Please return in March 2024 for applications forms for awards.

2 scholarship recipients smile broadly.
Brenda Rodriguez Lopez and Maddie Barcellona, Women’s Studies majors and 2018 Celia Forrest Award recipients.

College Scholarships

The College of Arts and Sciences awards more than $85,000 annually through more than 35 scholarship funds.

McNair Scholar Awards

Undergraduates planning to pursue a Ph.D. who a) qualify as low-income and first-generation OR b) are from a group underrepresented in graduate education may be eligible for the federally funded McNair Achievement Program.

Graduate Opportunities

For information on additional awards available to graduate students, see the Office of Grant & Research Development.

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Scholarships

Pauline Thompson Scholarship

The Pauline E. Thompson Scholarship is available to women’s, gender, and sexuality studies majors and women’s studies and queer studies minors on the Pullman campus. It is named for Dr. Pauline Thompson, an alumna of WSU (1927, 1930), and honors students for advancing human diversity, feminism, and the development of civil society.

Johanna Busek Scholarship

The Johanna Busek Scholarship is available to full-time certified women’s, gender, and sexuality studies majors on the Pullman campus with demonstrated need. It honors excellence in overcoming adversity and enacting solidarity. Please note that in addition to the WSU General Scholarship Application, students must complete the FAFSA and WAFSA forms to be eligible for this scholarship.

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Awards

Celia Forrest Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Student Award

This award recognizes a women’s, gender, and sexuality studies major or a women’s studies or queer studies minor who has:

  • Demonstrated an application of feminist and/or queer theory to their life, and
  • Shown excellence in course-related research.

Self-nominations are appropriate and encouraged. WGSS faculty may also nominate students.

  • Completed nomination form (see link below).
  • An essay of approximately two pages describing your experience with WGSS and pertaining to the two criteria above.
  • A current resume or CV.

All materials must be submitted electronically as one PDF attachment by to

Creative Achievement Award in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

First place • Second place • Third Place

This award honors students’ contributions to feminist studies and queer studies creative expression. Specifically, we are looking for a single piece of work or project that demonstrates exceptional achievement and artistic expression. Creativity, personal investment, and overall excellence are some of the qualities that this work should exhibit.

Any work meeting the above criteria that has been completed by a women’s studies major or minor or queer studies minor in a WGSS course between April 10, 2023 and April 10, 2024 is eligible for consideration.

Self-nominations are appropriate and encouraged. WGSS faculty may also nominate a student’s work.

  • Completed nomination form (see link below).
  • A copy of the assignment.
  • The creative work or project: copies of poems or prose (PDF), photographs of visual arts, or video of performing arts.
  • A one-page statement explaining the background and significance of the project.

All materials must be submitted electronically as a single PDF attachment by  to

Scholarly Achievement Award in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

First place • Second place • Third Place

This award honors students’ outstanding contributions to feminist studies and/or queer studies scholarship. Specifically, we are looking for a single piece of work that demonstrates exceptional achievement in research, application of theory, and/or writing. Originality, personal investment, and overall excellence are some of the qualities this work should exhibit.

Any work meeting the above criteria that has been completed by women’s, gender, and sexuality studies majors or women’s studies and queer studies minors in a WGSS course between April 10, 2023 and April 10, 2024 is eligible for consideration.

Self-nominations by WGSS majors and minors are appropriate and encouraged. WGSS faculty may also make nominations.

  • Completed nomination form (see link below).
  • A copy of your paper and the assignment.
  • A one-paragraph statement explaining why this work merits consideration for the award.

All materials must be submitted electronically as attachments by to

Internship and Community Service Award in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

This award, conferred on an occasional basis, honors extraordinary community engagement, especially through dedicated service in an internship with WSU credit and taken for the women’s, gender, and sexuality studies major or women’s studies or queer studies minors. Exceptional internship or community service not taken for credit may also be considered. Self-nominations and faculty nominations are both accepted.

Any internship completed by WGSS majors or minors between April 10, 2023 and April 10, 2024 is eligible for consideration.

  • Completed nomination form (see link below).
  • An essay of approximately two pages (500 words) describing your internship or community service experience and how it connects to WGSS courses you’ve taken.
  • A current resume or CV.

All application materials must be submitted electronically as one PDF attachment to no later than 10 April 2024

Instructional Faculty

Susan Armitage Teaching Award

Honoring the legacy of Susan Armitage, WSU professor emerita of history (1978-2008) and former director of the Women’s Studies program, is given annually to a WGSS faculty member, instructor, or teaching graduate assistant for their contributions to WGSS as recognized by the program’s majors/minors.

  • Contributing to the development of WGSS in an exceptional manner.
  • Providing a feminist/womanist/anti-racist role model for students at WSU.